Workshop with Nash Quinn:

“Springs, Catches and mechanisms”

May 31 - June 2, 2019

Welcome to the enrollment form for the 3-day workshop.

If you would like to reserve your bench, please fill out and submit the form below. Then simply add the workshop to your cart, and checkout. Enrollment is on a first-come / first-served basis - Only 6 spots available.



In this workshop, participants will learn about the different varieties of springs and their corresponding functions. Springs can add movement and drama, as well as ensure secure and satisfying catches, clasps, and connections. Sample projects focus on small-scale spring-loaded jars that snap open and closed utilizing a variety of springs, catches, and mechanisms. Students will gain hands-on experience with sourcing and incorporating commercially-produced springs, as well as making their own custom springs. Soldering tips and tricks and cold-connection strategies will be emphasized. (Some experience is necessary. Students should be able to saw, file, and solder unassisted.)



Nash Quinn

Nash Quinn is a metalsmith who works with a broad range of materials, techniques,and formats. Originally from Wyoming, he received his BFA from the University of Wyoming, and his MFA from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. He has worked and taught at a variety of craft schools and universities, and is the head of the jewelry program at Rowan University in New Jersey. He lives in Philadelphia with his partner, fellow metalsmith Jera Lodge, and lectures, teaches, and exhibits his work nationwide.

Check out Nash on Instagram.